server hosting

Hosting your application

Once your application has been built and is ready to use, you will need a server somewhere to host your application.  A quick web search will show that the options are endless for web hosting.  The ideal solution for you will probably depend on how much you can tolerate down time.  You will see options ranging from shared cPanel to …


Outsourcing: Is it a good idea?

It’s a question that most business owners ask themselves at some point: Should I outsource my development overseas?  In a previous article I outlined some tips on how to choose a developer and I mentioned that there are specific circumstances that outsourcing could be the best solution.  I also mentioned that there are problems that you need to be aware …

html code

Choosing a Web Developer: What to look for

So you are looking for a web developer, someone to make your dream web application a reality.  You don’t have a full understanding of what it takes to accomplish such a feat, nor do you have the time or desire to learn how to do it yourself.  The first thing anyone would do is turn to Google (or your other …